For Participants:


Study Design


Study Publications

Our Participants:
A Profile

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For Investigators:

Overview of WHS Study Design

WHS Questionnaires and Data Matrix

WHS Bibliography

WHS Cancer and Cardiovascular Outcomes

WHS Consortium Projects

WHS Ancillary Grants

Guidelines and Procedures for Collaboration

Forms to Request Collaboration

Contact WHS PIs




Women’s Health Study
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
900 Commonwealth Avenue, 3rd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02215


Contact WHS PIs

Investigators are encouraged to review thoroughly the process and policies described on this website, and must contact WHS PIs while developing their research questions in order to confirm that WHS data will meet their needs. Dr. Julie Buring can be reached at or 617-278-0863. Dr. I-Min Lee can be reached at or 617-278-0806.