For Participants:


Study Design


Study Publications

Our Participants:
A Profile

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For Investigators:

Overview of WHS Study Design

WHS Questionnaires and Data Matrix

WHS Bibliography

WHS Cancer and Cardiovascular Outcomes

WHS Consortium Projects

WHS Ancillary Grants

Guidelines and Procedures for Collaboration

Forms to Request Collaboration

Contact WHS PIs




Women’s Health Study
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
900 Commonwealth Avenue, 3rd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02215


Notification of Review Result

The investigator will receive notification from the WHS PIs about the outcome of the proposal review within one month of submission. If the proposal is approved and data are required, the researcher should complete and submit a Data Request Form. Upon approval of this request, the investigator will be asked to complete and sign a Memorandum of Understanding before the data can be released. This agreement prohibits the use of WHS data for other than the pre-specified uses outlined. After all parties have signed, a copy of the agreement will be provided to the researcher.